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Colin Self
respite ∞ levity for the nameless ghost in crisis

Sale price¥3,800 JPY
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Put on respite ∞ levity for the nameless ghost in crisis in darkness and prepare to find yourself amongst unfamiliar companions. On r∞L4nGc, Colin Self travels back and forth from one realm to another, conjuring uncanny voices through their own singular singing style, programming hard-hitting rhythms for kinds of bodies that don’t yet exist. Material and immaterial, fixities and fluidities, bodies and souls: such distinctions matter little in the looping, ever-crossing world of r∞L4nGc, where radiant, limitless beauty and boundless, inescapable terror can be one and the same.Incorporating Self’s long standing practice of dollmaking, and drawing upon a conscious exile that allowed the artist to settle into conversation with lost souls on other planes of existence, r∞L4nGc is an integrated vision of the artist’s eclectic practice. Singing in Polari, a forgotten form of slantwise English used by queer subcultures for centuries to evade detection, Self performs for our departed teachers and friends, and for the rest of us, ready to commune with uncanny spirits.


  • 1. respite for the tulpamancer
  • 2. gajo
  • 3. Doll Park Doll Park
  • 4. Dissimulato
  • 5. Losing Faith
  • 6. {canting}
  • 7. Busy walks into The Memory Palace
  • 8. paraphrase of a shadow
  • 9. riddlecraft
  • 10. gaolbreaker’s dream
  • 11. Tip The Ivy
  • 12. ∞